George Draffan
is a Seattle-based practitioner and teacher of Buddhist meditation and Taoist energy practices.
Bill Hirsch
is a priest in the (Chinese Hua Yen/Pure Land) White Cloud Buddhist Society and one of the founding members of EcoSangha Seattle. A freelance writer who travels widely in Asia, he serves as Secretary on the board of the Northwest Dharma Association.
Eileen Kiera
is one of Thich Nhat Hanh's first Dharma heirs, having received Lamp Transmission from him in 1990. Since then she has led mindfulness retreats in the United States, Canada, Australia, Mexico and Europe. Locally she is the teacher of the Mindfulness Community of Puget Sound in Seattle and co-founder and a resident of the Mountain Lamp Community, a ruual practice center in the foothills east of Bellingham, WA.
DJ Lower
has lived in Seattle since 1964. She practices in the tradition of Thich Nhat Hanh at Mindfulness Community of Puget Sound and with the Lotus Sisters of Seattle, a Theravadan-based queer women's sangha.
Terri Luoto
is an active outdoorswoman who practices Dharma with the Portland Sakya Center.
Brenda Wajun Loew & Judy Myoko Skenazy
are students of Taigen Shodo Harada Roshi and active supporters of the Tahoma Zen Monastery in Freeland, Washington.
Denis Martynowych
is Executive Director of Cloud Mountain Retreat Center in Castle Rock, Washington.
Dzung Vo
practices the art of mindful living in the tradition of Thich Nhat Hanh, with the Mindfulness Practice Community of Vancouver and other Vancouver-area sanghas. He is a pediatrician and adolescent medicine specialist in Vancouver, BC, and teaches mindfulness-based stress reduction to adolescents.
Sara Winkelman
is Director of Student Services at Maitripa College in Portland, Oregon.
Julie Welch
is a former president of the Northwest Dharma Association and current editor of the NW Dharma News.
Kiko Shuho Giet, Lotus Johnson, Timothy O’Brien, Marc Sakamoto, Ann-Marie Stillion, Dzung Vo, Julie Welch. Others courtesy of Cloud Mountain Retreat Center, Ser Cho Osel Ling.
Cover Photo: Richard Verroen.
Julie Welch.
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